Cystic acne is a severe form of acne vulgaris, which also includes, besides cysts, whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, and nodules. The cyst resembles a nodule except in that the cyst is filled with pus, with a diameter of at least 5 mm. Compared with other pimples, cysts form deeper in the skin.
They are usually painful and give rise to scars. To avoid scar formation, therefore, it is necessary to treat cystic acne. Warning About Squeezing Often there is a nonsensical belief that squeezing an acne cyst will root out the problem at that spot. On the contrary, squeezing can result in an even deeper infection, resulting in more pain and inflammation that will be felt longer. It can also cause the development of more cysts.
Vulnerable Age The adolescent years, the teens, are the most vulnerable for cystic acne to appear. In this age the condition is most severe. But it does affect adults and appears in forms called adult acne, hormonal acne, or body acne. Treatment To prevent the formation of additional cysts and scars, cystic acne must be treated early as it develops. In severe cases, the dermatologist may drain the lesions, prescribing antibiotics to take for destroying the bacteria.
Alternatively, cortisone may be injected into the cysts to reduce the inflammation. Many dermatologists prescribe Accutane when acne gets severe. However, this drug is not suggested for pregnant women and even for those women who are to undergo pregnancy in near future. Accutane has also been reported to induce a depressive effect in young men. AcnEase is a famous herbal remedy for cystic acne that remedies the condition without any external ointments for drying and irritating.
It also has no serious adverse effects like that of Accutane and is recommended for both adults and adolescents. In women, its use has shown satisfactory results. It has also been successful in individuals whose cystic acne was not treated effectively by Accutane.
AcnEase not only prevents new acne cysyts but ensures the healthy regeneration of skin, thus curbing the threat of scarring.
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